Home>Products>Super Precision Angular Contact Bearings>NNU4920BK/SPW33 SKF Super Precision,Super Precision Bearings,Cylindrical Roller Bearings,Double Row NNU 49 Series
NNU4920BK/SPW33 SKF Super Precision,Super Precision Bearings,Cylindrical Roller Bearings,Double Row NNU 49 Series
Super Precision Angular Contact Bearings
Browse Accessories Rolamentos do Brasil Ltda. NNU4920BK/SPW33 SKF Super Precision,Super Precision Bearings,Cylindrical Roller Bearings,Double Row NNU 49 Series 66768 lbf Cr - Dynamic Load Rating Categories in This product line wa Note 13.5 in Dimension N the Manufacturers Online Free. including Super Precision Angular Contact Bearings.
- This product line wa
- 66768 lbf
- 13.5 in
- 013992061218
- Aluminium Triple Lab
- 6.0 in
- 2.0 in
- 0.9 in
Accessories Rolamentos do Brasil Ltda.2020-07-10 09:46:19
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Products and services NNU4920BK/SPW33 SKF Super Precision,Super Precision Bearings,Cylindrical Roller Bearings,Double Row NNU 49 Series
- This product line wa
- 66768 lbf
- 13.5 in
- 013992061218
- Aluminium Triple Lab
- 6.0 in
- 2.0 in
- 0.9 in
- Take-Up
- 0.7 in
- 4002 lbf
- 12.0 in
- MSE308BR
- 79358 lbf
- Push Type
- 2520 rpm
- 1.7 in
- 013992032218
- Medium Series
- 0.2 in
SKF NNU4920BK/SPW33 NNU4920BK/SPW33 SKF Super Precision,Super Precision Bearings,Cylindrical Roller Bearings,Double Row NNU 49 Series Code system
No. | Brand | S | b | d | a | E | F | C | Y |
NN3020KTN9/UPVR521 | SKF | - | - | 220 mm | - | - | - | - | - |
7004ACEGA/P4A | SKF | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
BSA201CGA | SKF | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
7000ACDGA/P4A | SKF | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
NN3016KTN/SPW33 | SKF | - | - | 130 mm | - | - | - | - | - |
709ACD/P4ADBB | SKF | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
NNU4948B/SPC3W33 | SKF | - | - | 7.875 in | - | - | - | - | - |
71901CD/P4ADGA | SKF | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
NN3024KTN9/SPW33 | SKF | - | - | 670 mm | - | - | - | - | - |
7004CDGB/P4A | SKF | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
NNU4944BK/SPW33 | SKF | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
NN3021KTN9/SPW33 | SKF | - | - | 55 mm | - | - | - | - | - |
NN3026KTN9/SPVR521 | SKF | - | - | 3.1875 in | - | - | - | - | - |
71802CDGB/P4 | SKF | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
NN3015KTN/SPW33 | SKF | - | - | 3.2500 in | - | - | - | - | - |
71800CD/P4DGA | SKF | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
NN3016TN/SPVR521 | SKF | - | - | 240 mm | - | - | - | - | - |
71904ACD/P4ADGA | SKF | - | - | 380.000 mm | - | - | - | - | - |
7002CE/P4ADGA | SKF | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
NNU4922B/SPW33 | SKF | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
71804CD/P4DGB | SKF | - | - | 16.993 mm | - | - | - | - | - |
71903CE/P4ADGA | SKF | - | - | 70 mm | - | - | - | - | - |
71902CD/P4ADGB | SKF | - | - | 150 mm | - | - | - | - | - |
71902ACEGB/P4A | SKF | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
7003CD/P4AQBCA SKF Super Precision,Super Precision Bearings,Super Precision Angular Contact,7000 Series,15 Degree Contact Angle | Dimension R:26.0 in; Seal Type:Felt Seal; Bearing UPC:013992034380; Shaft Size:240 mm; Dimension L:10.8 in; Cor - Static Load Rating:475921 lbf; Dimension P:1.5 in; Dimension N:22.375 in; Dimension H:5.9 in; Support Type:Round Flange; Bearing Type:Split Cylindrical Ex; Bearing Number:MSM240BX; Bearing - Housing - Seal:MSM240BXH; Cr - Dynamic Load Rating:304391 lbf; Series Type:Medium Series; Maximum Speed:750 rpm; |
BSA202CGB SKF Brands,All Brands,SKF,Super Precision Angular Contact Thrust,BSA | Bolt Size:4 x M12; Shaft Size:65 mm; Cor - Static Load Rating:42714 lbf; Dimension T:11.3 in; Cr - Dynamic Load Rating:37768 lbf; Maximum Speed:3680 rpm; Dimension R:9.5 in; Dimension V:0.1 in; Note:This product line wa; Bearing UPC:013992035110; Bearing Number:MSM65BX; Support Type:Round Flange; Dimension H:2.9 in; Bearing - Housing - Seal:MSM65BXHKPS; Dimension N:7.563 in; Dimension P:0.6 in; Bearing - Housing - Seal UPC:013992098115; |
7200CDGA/P4A SKF Super Precision,Super Precision Bearings,Super Precision Angular Contact,7200 Series,15 Degree Contact Angle | da (min):278 mm; B:180 mm; Static Load Rating:4,650,000 N; Bore Type:Cylindrical Bore; Roller Profile:Symmetric; Fillet Radius/Chamfer:4 mm; Center Guidance:Fixed Inner Ring Rib; Limiting Speed - Oil:1,100 rpm; Weight:113.000 kg; ra (max):3 mm; Radial Clearance:0.260 to 0.350 mm; d:260 mm; Limiting Speed - Grease:900 rpm; Enclosure:Open; Nr. of Holes:6; Constant e:0.42; Hole Diameter (do):15 mm; Da (max):422 mm; |
709CD/P4ADBA SKF Super Precision,Super Precision Bearings,Super Precision Angular Contact,7000 Series,15 Degree Contact Angle | Groove Width A:50 mm; Limiting Speed - Grease:220 rpm; B:365 mm; Axial Load Factor Y0:2.20; Weight:1710.000 kg; Dynamic Load Rating:18,100,000 N; D:1220 mm; Roller Profile:Symmetric; Da (max):1176 mm; Enclosure:Open; Limiting Speed - Oil:280 rpm; Center Guidance:Fixed Inner Ring Rib; Radial Clearance:0.580 to 0.770 mm; Hole Diameter (do):25 mm; Retainer Material:Machined Brass; da (min):794 mm; Constant e:0.30; |
NN3016TN/SPVR521 SKF Super Precision,Super Precision Bearings,Cylindrical Roller Bearings,Double Row NN 30 Series | Bore Type:Cylindrical Bore; db (min):262 mm; da (min):262 mm; db (max):305 mm; B:95 mm; Limiting Speed - Grease:1,100 rpm; Limiting Speed - Oil:1,300 rpm; Da (max):478 mm; d:240 mm; Db (max):434 mm; Dynamic Load Rating:1,430,000 N; dd (min):333 mm; ra1 (max):4 mm; dc (min):313 mm; Outside Ring Inside Diameter:430 mm; Static Load Rating:1,950,000 N; Configuration:Single Row; Radial Clearance:0.110 to 0.175 mm; |
NN3021KTN9/SPW33 SKF Super Precision,Super Precision Bearings,Cylindrical Roller Bearings,Double Row NN 30 Series | Static Load Rating:87,000 N; Enclosure:Open; ra1 (max):1 mm; Bore Type:Cylindrical Bore; Radial Clearance:0.060 to 0.090 mm; B:25 mm; Limiting Speed - Oil:7,400 rpm; db (min):62 mm; r1:1.1 mm; Da (max):91.5 mm; dd (min):73 mm; Dynamic Load Rating:75,500 N; Limiting Speed - Grease:6,200 rpm; Weight:0.780 kg; D:100 mm; d:55 mm; db (max):65 mm; dc (min):68 mm; Fillet Radius/Chamfer:1.5 mm; ra (max):1.5 mm; |
71800ACDGB/P4 SKF Super Precision,Super Precision Bearings,Super Precision Angular Contact,71800 Series,25 Degree Contact Angle | da (min):110 mm; Factor fo:15.9; b (min):1.3 mm; Dynamic Load Rating:19,900 N; Limiting Speed - Oil:5,600 rpm; Snap Ring Outside Diameter:135.7 mm; d:105 mm; Enclosure:Snap Ring Groove wit; Configuration:Single Row; Fillet Radius/Chamfer:1 mm; Dx (min):137 mm; D1 (max):127.6 mm; r1:0.5 mm; Radial Clearance:0.036 to 0.066 mm; D:130 mm; Da (max):125 mm; Weight:0.335 kg; a (max):2.1 mm; Bore Type:Cylindrical Bore; |
709CD/P4ADBB SKF Super Precision,Super Precision Bearings,Super Precision Angular Contact,7000 Series,15 Degree Contact Angle | Dimension L:7.2 in; Bolt Size:4 x M24; Shaft Size:5.5 in; Bearing UPC:013992027306; Cr - Dynamic Load Rating:94869 lbf; Bearing - Housing - Seal UPC:013992098283; Seal Type:High Temperature Pac; Support Type:Round Flange; Note:This product line wa; Series Type:Light Series; Dimension V:0.1 in; Bearing - Housing - Seal:LSE508BXHHTPS; Cor - Static Load Rating:131513 lbf; Maximum Speed:1570 rpm; Dimension P:1.0 in; |
7002CD/P4ADGB SKF Super Precision,Super Precision Bearings,Super Precision Angular Contact,7000 Series,15 Degree Contact Angle | Dynamic Load Rating:10,700 N; Da:27 mm; Limiting Speed - Oil:16,000 rpm; Static Load Rating:5,950 N; d:12 mm; D:32 mm; Radial Clearance:0.011 to 0.025 mm; ra:0.6 mm; Weight:0.060 kg; Configuration:Double Row; B:15.9 mm; Bore Type:Cylindrical Bore; Enclosure:Double Seal; Fillet Radius/Chamfer:0.6 mm; da:17 mm; |
71902ACD/P4ADGA SKF Super Precision,Super Precision Bearings,Super Precision Angular Contact,71900 Series,25 Degree Contact Angle | Maximum Speed:2340 rpm; Seal Type:Felt Seal; Dimension V:0.1 in; Dimension N:9.625 in; Dimension R:11.9 in; Cor - Static Load Rating:82280 lbf; Series Type:Light Series; Dimension L:6.0 in; Note:This product line wa; Bearing UPC:013992027726; Cr - Dynamic Load Rating:64745 lbf; Bearing Type:Split Cylindrical Ex; Shaft Size:100 mm; Bearing Number:LSM100BX; Bolt Size:4 x M16; Bearing - Housing - Seal:LSM100BXH; |
71800CDGB/P4 SKF Super Precision,Super Precision Bearings,Super Precision Angular Contact,71800 Series,15 Degree Contact Angle | D1 - Flange Outer Diameter:13.2460 in; Design Units:Imperial; C1 - Dynamic Radial Rating (1 million revolutions)5:119000 lbf; Ab - Cage-Cone Frontface Clearance:0.13 in; Cone Part Number:8578; R - Cone Backface To Clear Radius1:0.25 in; G1 - Heat Generation Factor (Roller-Raceway)10:1050; Series:8500; da - Cone Frontface Backing Diameter:9.96 in; Cup Part Number:8520-B; C - Cup Width:1.4375 in; B - Cone Width:2.0625 in; |
7003CE/P4ADGA SKF Super Precision,Super Precision Bearings,Super Precision Angular Contact,7000 Series,15 Degree Contact Angle | R - Cone Backface To Clear Radius3:0.25 in; db - Cone Backface Backing Diameter:20.79 in; C0 - Static Radial Rating:822000 lbf; B - Cone Width:3.1875 in; Design Units:Imperial; Ca90 - Dynamic Thrust Rating (90 million revolutions)7:50200 lbf; K - Factor8:1.7; a - Effective Center Location4:0.75 in; Series:243000; Cg - Geometry Factor:0.235; Cage Type:Stamped Steel; C1 - Dynamic Radial Rating (Two-Row, 1 million revolutions)1:574000 lbf; |
71800CD/P4DGB SKF Super Precision,Super Precision Bearings,Super Precision Angular Contact,71800 Series,15 Degree Contact Angle | D1:4.661 in; Bearing Number:22218K; Taper:1:12; B2:2.636 in; S:0.782 in; Lockwasher and Lockplates:W-18; Series:222K; Tolerance1:-0.004 in; Diameter d :3 1/8 in; SNW/SNP Assembly Weight:3.02 lb; Locknut:AN-18; Sleeve:S-18 x 3 1/8; |
7002CDGB/P4A SKF Super Precision,Super Precision Bearings,Super Precision Angular Contact,7000 Series,15 Degree Contact Angle | Float:0.083 in; Locking Style:Single Concentric; Dimension BC:9.50 in; UPC Code:0883450042208; C - Dynamic Load (Basic):79700 lb; Eng Internal Radial Clearance - Min:0.0024; Oil Lubrication - M/N Seal:1400 rpm; Shaft Tolerance:0.0030 in; Engineering Group:Mounted Bearing; Grease Lubrication - M/N Seal:1400 rpm; Dimension C:5.130 in; Y2 - Geometry Factor:4.31; Dimension RA:0.25 in; Pre Install Clearance Max:0.100 mm; |
NNU4920BK/SPW33 SKF Super Precision,Super Precision Bearings,Cylindrical Roller Bearings,Double Row NNU 49 Series Video
SKF NNU 4920 BK/SPW33 bearings
SKF NNU4920BK/SPW33 bearing,NNU4920BK/SPW33
NNU 4920 BK/SPW33
Bearing NNU 4920 BK/SPW33 (SKF) | Size and Specification
SKF NNU 4920 BK/SPW33 Other Precision BRGS Factory New
NNU 4920 BK/SPW33 | Cylindrical Roller Bearings | Roller
Cylindrical roller bearings, double row, super ...
SKF - NNU 4920 BK/SPW33 - Motion Industries
Super Precision Angular Contact Bearings Part series NNU4920BK/SPW33 is a potential replacement for these common bearing part numbers:
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- Accessories Rolamentos do Brasil Ltda.
- AddressIndustrias, 380 - Parque Industrial - CEP 83.820-332 - Fazenda Rio Grande - PR - BRAZIL
- Phone(Working Time)627-3267
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SKF NNU4920BK/SPW33 Technical Articles
Can a bad CV axle sound like a bad wheel bearing? |
How do you know if your front wheel bearings are bad? |
How do you solve a bearing? |
Super Precision Angular Contact Bearings CATEGORIES
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- Super Precision Bearings
- Super Precision Angular Contact Bearings
- Super Precision Bearing
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